Here is the hard to find and never seen on television news cartoon that has radical muslims ready to kill an old grandfather and his five year old granddaughter.
Here is a piece of "art" that is a crucifix of Jesus Christ submerged in urine. This image has been shown on major news and television shows and is a winner in an art exhibition of the National Endowment for the Arts, an entity of the US government.
I am wondering why the news media bows to Muslim threats and supresses a political cartoon yet the same news media, along with the US gov't, encourages and rewards this obvious insult to Christians?
James Thurber said: Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.
addendum: When I originally wrote this post the real cartoons were impossible to find on the internet and I posted what had been labeled as "the" cartoon. I was wrong. Strangely, the images of mohamad as dog are readily available now. This is one of the series.