welfare–noun - the good fortune, health, happiness, prosperity, etc., of a person, group, or organization; well-being
I would respectfully submit that our constitution does address this "right"
Since you etc.'ed some of the words in your definition of welfare I have posted the definition again. Welfare- well-being, health, comfort, security, safety, protection, prosperity, success, fortune; interest, good.
Do you really think that taxpayers should pay for the government to provide all of these things or only the ones you select? Can the government assure prosperity for all? On whose dime?
The constitution specifically states "general welfare" not the welfare of each and every person. So, knowing that only 18% of the population is without healthcare coverage, and knowing that only about 14% of those are naturalized citizens (from National Coalition on Health Care), I offer that implementing the proposed health care initiatives negatively affects the prosperity of many more people than it helps, health wise. Since the constitution allows for the "general welfare" of the people not the specific welfare of the minority, this proposal is unconstitutional.
Thomas Jefferson writing on the portion of the constitution to which you refer.